Palm Beach County (Fla.) Info Released By Law Enforcement




Top Disclaimer:

All of the information contained on this page regarding the detainment in South Florida (Palm Beach County) of ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA is being done in accordance with all applicable statutes in the State of Florida and in the United States. Florida has long maintained a position that records filed by government workers and agencies, such as the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, should be accessible to the general public. That is why you are seeing a booking photograph and/or police report about ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA on this page.

Section Four of Article I of the Florida Constitution which was ratified in 1968, permits the free exercise of speech and expression by all. Specifically, Section 4 reads in relevant part: "Freedom of speech and press. - Every person may speak, write and publish sentiments on all subjects but shall be responsible for the abuse of that right. No law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press."

Accordingly, this report regarding the detainment in Palm Beach County, Fla., of ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA is permissible by both Florida law and federal (U.S.) law. Please do not contact our office for bond information or for an update on the status of ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA as we are not affiliated with any courthouse or sheriff's office. We are an independently owned and operated media company.

Name Of Suspect:


Publication Date:

12/13/2024 23:09

Report Number:






Date Of Birth (DOB):

Agency That Filed This Report :






Final Disclaimer:

The content published on this page regarding ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be used in violation of any local, state, or federal law. PBB does its best to ensure the accuracy of the names, dates, locations, and charges contained herein but does not guarantee that accuracy. To verify the information on this page, we encourage you to visit the official website for Palm Beach County, which allows access to the public to all manner of public records, including civil and criminal court cases, real estate transactions and tax bills, and the like.

We are not affiliated in any way, nor have we ever been affiliated whatsoever, with Palm Beach County, the State of Florida, the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, or any local or federal criminal justice agency. The inclusion of ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA on this page is indicative only that the PBC Sheriff is reporting that it detained ARISTIDES ROMEO BAUTISTA. It is not evidence that a crime was committed. Everyone whose name and likeness appears herein is entitled to a speedy trial on the charges on which they were detained. That trial just like this report will be open to the public in the interest of fair and transparent governance.